EXCLUSIVE OFFER: The Storytelling Visionary's Field Guide to Marketing

Your Marketing Attachment Style is..

The Storytelling Visionary

You're a prophet


If we lived long ago, there would be all sorts of metaphors in the collective consciousness we could draw from:

Seer. Sage. Sibyl.

And yet none seem to quite capture what it is you do–serving as a guide and home base for those brave enough to embark on the wild adventure of knowing one’s self.

You sit in that surprisingly comfortable chair you bought on super sale, straddling the worlds of everyday living and the mysteries that reside in the psyche. (And I’d be remiss if I didn’t note that your compassionate head nod game is on point.)

An intermediary between the ineffable and the concrete–“psychotherapist” has never seemed to quite capture the depth of what you actually witness or do.

Lately, you’re itching to move–you long for the discomfort and excitement of years ago, when you were first building your business. You love sitting with clients, but you long for more...

Your mind overflows with all the possibilities of what you could do, not instead of therapy, but in harmony with it.

You have lots of ideas. Probably too many ideas. They follow you around like a cute pack of puppies, ready to dogpile you with joy.

They’ve become metaphorical post-it notes, dotting the landscape of your life. The podcast name on the bathroom mirror, eighteen blog ideas covering your desk, and a detailed plan of all amenities you want to offer you at the imaginary three day retreat you dream of creating.

Your ideas are dangerous.

Not because they’re bad (they’re actually really fucking good–sign me up for the “clear the mind and soul package” at that retreat, please-and-thank-you).

They’re dangerous because they’re just ideas, ephemeral and fleeting, without grounding in the here and the you:

Bowlby would probably find it more believable than me that you are securely attached (I gotta admit, I’m cynical that anyone is ever really securely attached, nevermind the work it would take to stay that way-it’s beyond my ken). I imagine he’d describe your marketing style as such:

Secure, but unseasoned.

And you know what? That makes so much sense.

Our world doesn’t make much room for prophets.

Healers. Empaths. Advocates. Teachers. It doesn’t matter the title, the world seeks to silence the message they have to share by sequestering them into small rooms, paying them very little, and alternatingly praising and vilifying them.

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The world would prefer that you smother the embers of your heart, and speak in those cool, calming tones–neutrality, a defense that protects all involved.

You weren’t born a prophet, but both nature and nurture conspired to form you into one.

A prophet who can feel the problem, articulate the giftedness of all involved, and envision a different way to move through it. A promised land beckons to those with a clear vision and burning heart.

The problem is, the message growing inside you can’t be contained by your current marketing. You’re overflowing with ideas with no jars to catch your brilliance.

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you.”

– Maya Angelou

There’s a story I tell myself…

about the REAL reason marketing isn’t working for you:

You’re scared to lean into the fact that effective and ethical marketing is deeply relational.

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And look, I get it, you know that marketing works–you wouldn’t have the business you have without it, but you also know how it works and what it requires.

Vulnerability. Leaping without knowing if there will be a soft and safe landing. The churning in your gut that is either excitement or terror.

Marketing is a relationship, one that has stretched you in ways, that in retrospect, you’re surprised you survived.

The scared parts of you suggest that it might be better to just appreciate what you have and take comfort in your success. And maybe get a hobby to distract you from starting a new business venture.

The visionary that your fear often dampens, has a clear message that excites as much as unnerves you:

To stay silent is to sell out.

You are meant for more–you always have been. More depth, more abundance, more joy. And, more work, not to tax you, but to challenge and stretch you so you have more of yourself.

Marketing offers a path to all the attuned, empathetic rebels who know in their heart of hearts that they’re meant to do more than what the world expects of them.

Marketing is a reparative experience--you know that better than most. And you can feel the itch inside to heal things that still lurk in the shadow. 

Plus. You know. Save yourself time, make way more money, and revel in the ease of doing the work you are drawn to, even when it doesn’t make much logical sense.

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And look, I get it, you know that marketing works–you wouldn’t have the business you have without it, but you also know how it works and what it requires.

Vulnerability. Leaping without knowing if there will be a soft and safe landing. The churning in your gut that is either excitement or terror.

Marketing is a relationship, one that has stretched you in ways, that in retrospect, you’re surprised you survived.

The scared parts of you suggest that it might be better to just appreciate what you have and take comfort in your success. And maybe get a hobby to distract you from starting a new business venture.

The visionary that your fear often dampens, has a clear message that excites as much as unnerves you:

To stay silent is to sell out.

You are meant for more–you always have been. More depth, more abundance, more joy. And, more work, not to tax you, but to challenge and stretch you so you have more of yourself.

Marketing offers a path to all the attuned, empathetic rebels who know in their heart of hearts that they’re meant to do more than what the world expects of them.

Marketing is a reparative experience--you know that better than most. And you can feel the itch inside to heal things that still lurk in the shadow. 

Plus. You know. Save yourself time, make way more money, and revel in the ease of doing the work you are drawn to, even when it doesn’t make much logical sense.

The catch?

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You need to be willing to risk deepening a relationship that requires your vulnerability and challenges your belief that previous success will negate your need to depend on others.

Hey-o. I’m Jenn, by the by.

Champion curser, depth psychotherapist, and most pertinent for you–the relational marketing consultant for visionaries who dream of expanding beyond the neat-and-tidy boxes others slotted for them.

Ainsworth would rightly identify me as disorganized in my attachment and my marketing has often reflected it:

I’ve been them all, and parts of all live within me.

Like Storytelling Visionaries, I’ve revelled in the magic that what I dream can be made conscious and concrete, if I’m willing to show up and do the work.

And as I’ve worked to integrate all of my various parts, I’ve discovered something essential:

As much as I crave a master marketer to show me precisely how to do things “the right way,” I always manage to go rogue. Step-by-step marketing plans have never worked for me. Who I am and what I want to do has never fit easily into other people's marketing strategies.

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What I needed?

A marketing compass that would attune to my unique gifts as a therapist and that would guide me into a life of deeper insight, richer connection, and financial abundance..

And when I couldn’t find it?

I created it.


First for myself.

And now for you, too.


The Storytelling Visionary's

Field Guide to Marketing

You Don't Need Another Course...


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one that helps you ditch your resistance and embrace the joy in marketing so you can finally build the business of your dreams

navigate the excitement and fear of building your dream business in...

The Storytelling Visionary's

Field Guide to Marketing

go from best-kept secret to waitlist only

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This step-by step marketing guide for the healer ready to ditch their resistance and embrace the joy in marketing.

Regular Price: $97

Today's Price: $37


Discover your magic - even when you feel resistant to owning it.

Explore the ways you resist connection, in life and marketing.

Assess the state of your business, choosing to go SLOW rather than go hell for leather to the shiniest of all objects: strategy.

Feel into the ways you get stuck in marketing your business.

Crystalize how marketing is a relationship, between you and your right-fit client.

Craft your message you have to share with said right fit client, and

Own your need to be in a mutually giving marketing relationship with a partner who has expertise, compassion, and an affinity for Thin Mint knock-offs.

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Enhanced Session Notes

Review your chart and uncover your marketing brilliance

You'll walk away with a deeper understanding of the ways you resist connection and confidence that inner work is the secret to compelling, congruent marketing.

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The Storytelling Visionary Backpack

Celebrate your internal and external resources

You'll revel in all the extras I've packed away for you so you'll be well taken care of on your marketing adventure.

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Essential Marketing Maps

Traverse the three marketing hikes everyone needs to go on

You'll embark on three paths that will lead you to a deeper understanding of self, as well as concrete marketing strategies to implement immediately.

Storytelling Visionary's
Field Guide To Marketing

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What's Included:

Enhanced Session Notes (Valued at $397)

The Curious Rebel Backpack (Valued at $397)

Essential Marketing Maps (Valued at $397)

Total Value: $1,191
Regular Price: $97

Today's Price: $37