market with depth

uncover the mystery of marketing


One you haven’t figured out how to crack. Kind of like a client whose layers of defense resist your attempt to connect at every turn. Clinically, that can be fascinating, but when it comes to marketing, you just end up feeling defeated.

You know what you’d do if marketing was a clinical issue--you’d reach out to the colleagues or maybe the consultant you used to see before it became too expensive. You’d embrace the vulnerability of being uncertain, and get validation and support how to best move forward.

But you know as well as I do, that most of our colleagues don’t have a clue how to market any more than you do. The few therapists you see who have built successful practices through online marketing, seem to be selling simple solutions to surface-level struggles.

And you want to do deeper work. To work with clients intrigued by how and why they are the way they are, the clients who are drawn to understanding the mysteries of their heart. 

_hey, i'm jenn (1)

... those clients never seem to end up on your schedule. You know the marketing is the answer, the real question is:

How do you market without selling out your depth?

I’m so glad you asked. Because truthfully, when you have a framework to make sense of marketing, it’s no more complex than your average human being (which is to say, the more resistant you are, the more complicated it will be).


What you need is:

A grounded marketing orientation that allows you to be you, while also doing good ethical work in your copy as well as your clinical practice.

A manageable system that saves you time and energy, so you can focus on what matters most--diving deep into the mysteries of your ideal clients.

No matter where you are on your marketing journey, there is a path forward.


Marketing your practice seems like a necessary evil, one you’d prefer to avoid, thank you very much. But you know that underneath that comfortable lie, the truth is you’re scared to invest in yourself, and by extension, your business. 

Marketing doesn’t have to be a shallow endeavor, it can be one that stretches your depth in new and profound ways. Because at its core, marketing is a relationship

When you can use your clinical awareness to craft your marketing strategy, you’ll discover that marketing is an extension of your clinical practice, not the bane of your existence.

In Marketing with Depth, you’ll:

Discover how to stop wasting time on doing what you ‘should do’ to market your practice, rather than what lights you up.

Learn how to stop wasting money on the next promising thing and instead craft a clear strategy on where and how you want to invest in your practice.

Transform your marketing overwhelm into grounded calm and follow a marketing system that doesn’t take over your life.

Jenn is a boss ass b---- when it comes to creating copy that converts potential ideal clients into actual clients. The permission to stick out, “hit them where it hurts,” and take risks with my writing has been transformative and I hope the same for you!

-Marissa Esquibel, LMFT

 & Host of the Co-Dependummy Podcast


You want a caseload that delights you. Understanding and empathizing with people has never been your problem. Rather, it’s been trying to figure out how to find clients who are curious, insightful, and committed to the process of therapy--and you know, willing and able to pay your full fee.

With each new marketing effort you try, you keep circling back to the realization that where you’re getting stuck is communicating what you have to offer with clarity. Trying to put the ineffable into words is as challenging as it would seem.

But it doesn’t have to be. Being deeply attuned to who your future clients are and what they need is a gift you already possess--you just need a framework that teaches you how to translate your clinical insight into captivating copy.

In Attunement Distilled, you’ll:

Dismantle the bullshit narratives that clutter your mind and heart, uncover what you really want rather than what you think is possible, and learn how to stay grounded in hope as you build the practice you actually want to have.

Craft the safe container that allows you space to articulate and frame who you are, who you are meant to serve, and how to connect your clinical insight with effective marketing strategy.

Create the assets (like your therapy directory profiles and your website copy) that draw and build rapport with future clients long before they sign your intake paperwork. 

Jenn gave me a concrete plan and tools, a warm and supportive environment of feedback that felt safe and helpful, and copy that I love. Since I've put up the new copy, everyone who comes to my website immediately knows if I am a good fit or not. That transparency creates a feedback loop of confidence and patience that my ideal clients will find me

-Elizabeth McGinnis, LCPC


Even though it may surprise you, when your marketing starts working, you’ll be quickly overwhelmed with how many clients reach out to you, wanting to begin therapy ASAP. Starting with the end in mind is vital, to save yourself time and energy when the referrals begin rolling in.

While psychotherapists are pros at making things complicated (or is that just me?) onboarding new clients into your practice doesn’t have to be.

In fact, when you have a clinically informed system for onboarding new clients, you get to build rapport and model boundaries long before they have their intake session.

In Onboard the Client of Your Dreams, you’ll:

Map out the interested client’s journey from considering a consultation to sitting across you for the intake session and determine how to build rapport each step of the way.

Determine and implement a system that quickly and efficiently onboards new clients (and get access to all of Jenn’s templates to make the creation process easier!)

Save yourself time and increase your client conversion rate, so you can spend your administrative time catching up on your clinical reading, not playing phone tag with potential clients.